Registration Disclaimer
Disclaimers, risk acknowledgement and indemnity for participating in activities organised by Centaurs Group.
Privacy Policy
How Centaurs Group manages and protects your information with us, in accordance with the Personal Data Act.
Safe Sport Commitment
Children have the right to enjoy, be safe, and feel respected in their sports. This is our safeguarding policy.
Centaurs Sports
Payment & Refund Policy
Policy for payments, refunds and credits of term fees for Centaurs Sports, including Rugby, Netball & Touch.
Integrity Policy
By affiliating with Centaurs, you agree to defend our Integrity Policy which prioritises safety and happiness in sport.
Code of Conduct
Is it enjoyable, safe and respectful? These are the values we live by at Centaurs, covered by our sports code of conduct.
Weather & Cancellation
Always assume Centaurs training is on. In the case of extreme weather resulting in cancellation, a message will be sent via TeamSnap & email to each affected age group. Cancellation of activities for one age group does not mean automatic cancellation for another.
Warm Weather Policy
Decision-making steps for minimising heat stress and injury when playing in warm weather.
Haze Policy
Decision-making steps we take with regards to haze and training outdoors, prioritising safety.
Lightning Policy
Decision-making steps we take with regards to storms and training outdoors, prioritising safety.