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Interview with OC Archie Griffin

archie griffin

We loved having Old Centaurian and Bath Rugby player Archie Griffin stop by Centaurs for a training session on 3 June to run masterclasses for our U12, U11 & U13 combined, and U17s.

Beyond the technique recommendations and drills, Archie had some amazing advice for our ambitious players about trying your best, overcoming disappointment, and staying focussed. Certainly wise beyond his years, and a great role model for our young athletes.

He was also kind enough to answer a few questions. 

How long did you play at Centaurs?

I played for 8 years… until I was age around 13/14.

What’s your favourite memory from your Centaurs years?

Winning at the Polo Club [where we used to hold Centaurs tournaments] in horrendous mud and rain. The Pit (obviously) and Coach Robbo’s “squash the fly” technique when teaching to score tries. 

What do you miss about Singapore when you’re in the UK? 

Of course, my mates. I try and keep in contact with a lot of the boys from back in the day. Also miss the nice weather, when I’m now training in the wet or snow during winter months.

What’s the best bit about your position on the pitch?

Love being part of the forwards and in the mixer. You have to create a platform for your team to work off and are able to succeed, not about individuals but working together.

Any advice or inspiration for our players who want to play pro rugby?

My advice would be to dream big and work hard! Success comes from taken opportunities. Opportunities come from working hard and always turning up.

My dad’s advice to be a good rugby player from when he used to coach me at Centaurs (and still sends me a text before every game) is 3Rs&T … Run, Ruck, React and Tackle. The four jobs you need to do well.

We really enjoyed having him here in Singapore and look forward to supporting him in his rugby career! Thank you Archie!

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